York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills Book 9--Labor Complaints 24 August 1692 Stiphen Clarke plt Complaining to this Cort: agt: Henry Hayward Deft: in an Accon upon ye. case & sayth yt. he ye. plt hath now served ye. Deft his master ye. full terme of Eight years by Indenture whereon ye. Deft Covenanted & agreed to teach ye. plt his Art or trade of A Cordwinder or Shoomaker, yett never ye. lesse after ye. plt had thus Entered into indenture ye. Deft not regarding ye. Covent. therein on his pte to be pformed as aforesaid now in ye. least complying or endeavouring ye. same, but through his Covetous & sinister Ends kept ye. plt his whole time of servitude to worke in ye. ground as appes to this Cort: whereby he is alltogether to seek in his trade aforesaid for which wrong and injury don to the plt Itt is Ordord: yt. ye. Deft pay him one thousand pounds of principall good sweetsented tobacco & Caske convenent in this County with Costs of suite als Ex: Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (9) 158. 26 September 1692 Dannll: Davis lately bound an Apprentice to John Batten to learne ye. mistery or trade of a Boatwright which he now useth, makeing Complaint to this Cort: yt. his said Master doth not endevor: to instruct him therein , And there appering as yett noe cause for such his Complaint, wherefore he is Ordord: to returne home forthwith to his said Master Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (9) 170. 24 August 1693 Robert Brookes plt Arresting Eliz: Shelbourne Deft to this Cort: in an Accon. upon the Case declareing that ye. Deft of her owne free Will & good likeing firmely bound her sonn named John Williams an Apprentice to ye. plt by Indenture to serve as by ye. said Indenture doth appe and some time after he had Entered into his said service Returned back to ye. Deft where shee hath ever since detained him, Itt is therefore Ordord: ye. said Apprentice forthwith Returne to his said Master And yt. the Deft: pay Costs of suite Als Execucon Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (9) 239.